Love Your Bones: Evidence-Based osteoporosis Prevention Strategies
Keeping up on basic management to support bone health.

Winter's Hidden Bone Health Risk: The Vitamin D-Fracture Connection
Winter's Hidden Bone Health Risk: The Vitamin D-Fracture Connection
As the days are short and cold, many patients ask me about their vitamin D levels. “Do I need to take more Vitamin D in the winter? I am going south for the winter; should I take less? ”

Post-fracture Care: Not Just a Band-Aid
FLS/PFC programs are critical and cost effective for reduction of the fracture rate.

Breaking Barriers: Addressing Medication Adherence in Osteoporosis
We all worry about patient compliance to treatment. Let’s look at some of the reasons leading to non-compliance.

Breaking the bank: The Costly Global Impact of Osteoporosis Fractures.
Osteoporosis is more than a clinical problem- it’s an economic disaster waiting to happen. Discover how fractures are racking billions globally and why the ‘silent epidemic’ drains health budgets. The numbers are staggering!